Constantine Petallides SFS 2013 Sergeant-at-Arms
What are you up to now? Since graduating, I received my JD from Fordham University and briefly worked in the field of regulatory compliance for big banks. Now I am a litigator at an aviation law firm in New York City.
How has your time in Philodemic influenced your career path? Loquacious litigators love locking horns in debate.
What was your favorite debate or memory from your time in the Philodemic Society? Without question, my favorite debate memory is when I used all seven of George Carlin’s dirty words in a floor speech during the Citizens United “Money Is Speech” debate and proved my point by dramatically paying my fine in $1 bills, which I threw into the air while striding out of the Philodemic Room.
What does Philodemic mean to you? Joining the Philodemic was the source of nearly all my cherished Georgetown memories. It’s where I met my best friends at school and felt the most at home. It was in the Philodemic where I felt I could be myself as equal parts ridiculous (giving a rhyming keynote during the Lorax debate and winning the Dean Gordon Cup) and serious (being selected as a Merrick Keynoter).